Saturday, August 29, 2009

the birds left the cage.

let me talk to these people man.
i knw u wanna see me fall man.
i knw u rather see me lose it all.
but im a born winner.

i was put on this earth.
to make a different homy.
the world i my playground.

the birds left the cage.
im doing things my way now.

im willing to die for the cause.
tht's different between me and ya all.
to be the best, u have to beat the best.

im undefeated.
my style is everlasting
and im never back down.
you fucking clown.

i win, you lose
i live, you die.
The world is mine.

Friday, August 28, 2009

terima kasih.

puas sudah.
puas sudah ku pekik dihati.
ku pekik kan saja habis mati.
untuk meraih sedikit simpati.

aku gagal.
megah ku berdiri tiada diendah.
kau buang aku seperti sampah.
tanpa sedikit rasa bersalah.

apa kau gila atau nak mati.
kenapa perlu kau siksa lagi.
memang ku rasa sungguh parah.
seperti berada dialam barzah.

tidak puas dengan ini semua.
setitik darah lengan menitis ke bumi.
hati yang rabak kau hancur lagi.
seperti digigit atau gilapah.
anjing gila yang marah.

oh yaa.
bukan hak aku untuk merayu.
meminta kau datang kembali.
bersama-sama hati yang suci.
untuk kita bersama kembali.

ku biar kan saja.
agar dapat kau merasa.
hidup gembira tiada duka.
dari seorang insan yang gila.

let u be the innocent.
n i'll pretend that i was fine.
soo, u can be happy.
without feeling worry.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the colours of sense

last week.
you laugh to all my bad joke.
but now you dont.

last week.
you make me feel happy.
but now you dont.

last week.
you kill all my bored sense.
but now you dont.

last week.
you wipe all my tears.
but now you dont.

last week.
you wiling to help me.
but now you dont.

last week.
you are totally mine.
but now you dont.

last week.
you say iLOVEyou.
but now,
i dnt think it's true.

i really2 need you.
dear, please come back.
i'll be waiting for you

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hey bitch.
  • whom taught you how to smile when you felt sad.
  • whom taught you how to laugh whn you bored.
  • whom taught you how to be honest.
  • whom always accompany you when your friends don't
  • whom wiling to kill himself for you.
  • whom cry because of you.
  • and, the most important.
  • who love you more than everythings.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

an hour ago

Who was the last female you talked to?
my angel

Who is someone that can always make you laugh?
the joker.
i guess, everyone cn make me laughing. :)

What were you doing at 10am this morning?
i were fighting with teletubies in my dreamland.
*sleep tight dear.

What were you doing an hour ago?
guitar-ing. ms-ing. went to kedai. ms-ing.
and of course. singing. :)

Do you plan on moving within the next year?
i wont. =.=

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
family. friends. friends

Are you wearing anything on your feet?

What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
a better person of FARIS FARIDUDIN.

Do you remember your dreams?
of course.
dating with a gorgeous girl and fight with teletubies.

Where did your last hug take place?
smwhere in Malaysia

Have you been to a baby shower?
of course.
weee. :D

what company is your handphone?
sony ericsson hebat.!

What color is your hair brush?
entah. =.=

Do you watch the Super Bowl?

What about World Cup?
i prefer to play football. :)

Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
oh yeah.
they comell. and also.

What is the last movie you watched?
faris faridudin's life story.

What movie do you think everyone should watch?
movie tht was no.1 in world rank.

What is your middle name?
faridudin. i guess.

Do you have your future children's names picked out?
hw bout.
faris faridudin own. :)

What color is your mailbox?
blue + white.?

Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?

What brand is your computer printer?

Who was your Kindergarden teacher?
everyone who teach me. :)

Are you taller than your mom?
heee. :D

Are you cold right now?
yea. and i like it.
thanks panasonic.

Do any of your close friends have kids?
sepatutnya. :)

Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
makcik dekat kedai tadi.

What is the closest blue object to you?
woot woot.!

What is your favorite video game?
soccer street.?

Do you play games on your cell phone?
*metal slug 3.

Do you look more like your mom or dad?
i love them. :)

Have you ever broken an pinata?
please tell me.
wht is pinata.?

Do you have an iPod or Mp3 player?
oh mann.
music is another part of my life.

Who was the last person in your bedroom?
my bro.

What are your plans for this weekend?
wai teng asked me.
if i can company her.
she really2 want to meet me. :)

Have you ever crawled through a window?

Do you lose your keys often?
im careful person.

How many keys are on your keychain?
motorcycle. home sweet home.

When was your last encounter with the police?
last week.
aha. ejat takut. :P

Do you sing in the shower?
my habit.

Do you always wear your seatbelt in the car?
smetimes. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

when life is getting bored.

This is what i love and cant stop loving. Get wasted at partys from 9 till 7 in the morning. I live for the music. rolling blunts feeling high. getting loaded. or take some pills and go to lala land. spending all my money on dope and extreme high price tickets. but in the end its all worth it. i like to live in my own world. im told to enjoy every hour every minute. so thats what i do on friday's & saturdays why should i take life so seriously i just wanna do what i like to do. be as far from reality cause i cant stand socitey it my own world.

Every time I see you all the rays of the sun are streaming through the waves in your hair. And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight. The beating of my heart is a drum, and its lost. And its looking for a rhythm like you. You can take the darkness from the pit of the night and turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright. Ive got to follow it, cause everything I know, well its nothing till I give it to you. I can make tonight forever. Or I can make it disappear by the dawn. And I can make you every promise that has ever been made. And I can make all your demons be gone.

But Im never gonna make it without you. Do you really want to see me crawl.? And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to fame. I know all the rules. And then I know how to break em But I dont know how to leave you. And Ill never let you fall.


i dnt knw why.
im getting bored with my life.
they said : tawakal la weyh.

i love youu.
3 simple words.
and those 3 words.
was soo important to me.

saying ily is nt the words,
i want to hear from u.
mayb it's true. but it's just for u.
i really wnt to hear those 3 words frm yr mouth.
and of course. be a sincere person dear.

she make me smile.
then i cry. i dnt knw why.

before i met her,
i never knew.
wht those love mean for.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

when we found our weakness

the word of the day's.
i dnt knw wht to say.

i cnt make myfriends feel happy.
i cnt drive myfather's car to JB.
i cnt be a cranky and.
i cnt walk to BB

no one tell me why.
till i realize tht i lose smthing.
smthing tht was important enough for me.

i'll kill to get it bck.
i'll rob to get it bck.
i'll do anythng to get it bck.

u knw.
i can do it.
no one can stop me.

i'll do it.
i'll do it till my last breath.
till the day's i leave this world.
because it's mine and.
my only.

-hope dnt lie dnt leave-

Saturday, August 22, 2009

tidur ku di pagi sahur.

disaat angin pagi merdu mendayu.
kesejukkan mencium pipi ku.
menjemput ku pulang beradu.

aku jadi sayu.
mahu beradu.
sudah diganggu.

suara bidadari memanggil rohku.
untuk ku bangkit kembali.
bangkit seperti singa yang gagah mengaung.
dirimba yang sunyi diwaktu pagi.

masa mengajar usia

fasting fasting.
penat tkhengat. =.=

since i was 5.
my parent told me as a muslim.
we must fasting. then i learn evrything bout puasa.
fasting was nt like a bed of roses. :0

Darjah 3
i learn hw to puasa penuh.
as a darjah 3 student. for me.
its quite difficult. smtimes. i went to dapur.
then drank a glass of water. tk larat. =.=

Darjah 4
finally. i cn puasa penuh.
macam. damn.! thanks god.
tkpercaya gila. haha. faris hebat. :P

Form 2
my friends n i always lepak dekat rumah dinar.
his rumah macam clear je. then ktorng lepak sane.
suddenly he move to sri damansara. jauhhh laaaa.
but i cnt change my habit. after schl-ing.
i must stay at dinar's house before balik to my own rumah.
even it was ramadhan. i stll went to his house.
imagine. i was fasting. but i walk to dnar's house at SD.
frm Damansara Damai i went to Sri Damansara.
then went back to Damansara damai. haha.
the most important i never ponteng my puasa. gila hebat bhaii.
then my friend said : faris, kau ni stamina babi la. =.=

Form 3
i'll try my best to puasa penuh.
wish me luck. :)

i was in my dreamland.
best gila. i met a girl cll wai teng kot.
haha. she's gorgeous dowh. we laugh tgher.
suddnly. i heard my mum's voice.
she said. bangun bangun. pegi sahur.
haiihh. kacau laa mak ni. =.=
i amik my phone. then. gilaaa.! baru pukul 4.
hahaha. terus kene bising.
after sahur. i sleep till 1pm. penat laaa.
then i mandi n solat zohor. guitar-ing till 2 pm.
asar n ms-ing till 5pm. spongebob time.! hahaha.
6pm. i went to bazar wth my sister. weee.~
after buka. gilaa full. tklarrat. i solat mghrib.
and went to masjid. i solat isyak n trwih 20 rakaat.
hahaha. hebat hebat. and now. i nk tido. im tired.
gudnite. byeee. :D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

sepi malam tanpa lagu.

rambut putih mu.
kau sikat rapi menggunakan jari.
berdiam diri bukan mati.
cuma menghayati detik2 yang kau lalui.

biarkan sahaja.
biarkan lampu pelita itu terpadam.
agar dapat kau lalui hidup didalam gelap malam.
menghayati bunyi2an yang merdu berlagu.
di atas katil usang mu tempat beradu.

malam itu.
bunyi katak yang memanggil.
memanggil hujan yang turun laju.
agar dapat membasahi bumi.
pada malam yang kau tempuhi.

lupakan semua.
lupakan dugaan menipa dirimu.
peristiwa sedih yang merabak hati.
agar dapat kau lalui malam ini.
dengan tenang hati.

tidak terduga.
malam ini tiba masanya.
jauh kau pergi meninggal kan cerita.
cerita sedih mahupn gembira.
yang kita telah reka bersama.
kau pergi tanpa berita.

mengapa perlu jadi begini.?
mungkin adat manusia dibumi.
kau pergi tidak kembali.
meninggalkan sejarah keluarga ini.

bunyi guruh.
pertanda buruk drama di-tv.
malam itu tidak begitu.
kau pergi tanpa celaru.

mengapa perlu dihari ini.?
pada hari istimewa ini.
jantungmu terhenti lalu kau pergi.
meninggalkan kami yang setia disisi.

kubiarkan sahaja redha sentiasa.
pemergian mu yang tidak diduga.
hanya gambar pengubat rindu.
ku sampai kan doa buat dirimu.
harap kau aman ditemput mu itu.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

jika kamu pilihan saya.

gadis impian saya.
anda harus la memiliki ciri2 begini.

situasi pertama.

*setiap pagi.

peah : eh lembu.! gdmrning. u bangun pun. penat i cll. dah2.
pegi mandi eh. dah busuk dah. nak txt dgn u neyh.

haron : eyy. mrning. alaa. nanti la. i penat la. bagi i rest sekejap eh.
kalau i dah siap i txt u.

peah : alalala. kesian u. tkpe tkpe. u rest eh. jangan lupa txt i tau.

situasi kedua.

haron : eh you. u nk hadiah apa bday u nanti.

peah : errkk. tk payah la. bazir duet je.

haron : ahh.! mengade la youu. kang nanti mmber u cite dapat hadiah bday dr bf dowang.
yang u jeles2 pulak nanti. u merajuk dgn i.

peah : ahaha. apa la u ni bodo sangat. i tk kesah laa dear. yang penting,
u sayang i. kan lembap.?

situasi ketiga.

haron : eh kupu2. nanti u cll i balek eh. i ada keje ni.

peah : alaa. imy la bngang.

haron : hmm. i busy ni. i ada keje. nanti dh siap i cll u la.

peah : okay dar, cll tau. tk cll i sepak yr *ditapis.

situasi keempat.

casher : bang, semua nya 10 ringgit.

peah : eyy.! tkpayah mengade. biar i bayar.

haron : u penah kene sepak tk.?

peah : alaa. tadi u dh belanja i baju kan. ni lunch biar la i bayar pulak.
kang nanti men bowling u bayar la. pastu movie i bayar.

haron : ah youu.! mengade laa u ni kang i sepa...

peah : *satu jari dibibir haron. dah u diam eh. nah bang. terima kasih eh.

casher : ouh. okay. same2. hope korang bahagia. :)

situasi kelima.

*ring ring.

peah : hello, bengap nape tk txt i.?

haron : alaa. i nk txt. tapi td my brther gune phone i. kredit i dah bhabis.
sorry tau.

peah : ermm. okay tkpe tkpe. nanti u dh ada duet i topup tau. then txt i.

situasi keenam.

haron : eh youu. i tetinggal beg plastik yang ada baju u beli tadi la. sorry.

peah : haiih you ni. meh sini jap.

haron : kenapa.? sorry laa.

peah : u ni baik sangat. meh2. *sepak tumbuk terajang pulas2 tmpar, kiss kiss.
dah dah. tkpe boleh beli baru. *kiss.

haron : sakit la u. aha. ilysm.!

Anda laa wanita yang saya nak.
tolong jangan pegi. saya perlu anda

manusia kental.

jika anda hebat berbicara.
anda pandai mengatur kata-kata.
anda mampu membuat abu dan siti putus cinta.
anda mampu memecahkan kelapa menggunakan kepala.
pak mail sanggup bagi anda makan free kerana ayat anda.
pengawas tidak menahan anda datang lewat kerana alasan durjana.
cerita2 anda mampu membuat sahabat anda percaya anda terhebat.
anda berjaya menjaringkan bola dalam perlawan bola bersama rakan2 anda.
anda mampu memecut 150km menggunakan kereta/motor ibubapa anda.

anda tersenarai dalam manusia terhebat bagi saya.
anda yang saya cari. sila daftar kan diri secepat mungkin.

anda yang mampu membuat orang tertawa dan menangis.
mari sertai saya. anda boleh bersama membontoti saya menyertai pertandingan.
pertanding yang di ada kan bagi memberi anak cucu kita melihat mereka.
meraka di dalam hutan sana yang digelar orangutan.

kebebasan mereka dicabul.
tidakkah anda kesian.? mereka juga ciptaan esa.
kita membantu dan menerima. hadiah lumayan menanti anda.
rm1.800 dan percutian milik anda.
jika anda mampu mengersangkan kucing2 supaya mereka beromen.
anda tersenyum apabila jumlah mereka bertambah.
mari bantu saya. kita bersama2 mempertahankan nasib orangutan. kita harap mereka.
jangan biarkan anak cucu kita menjamah muka orangutan didalam buku sahaja.

untuk maklumat lanjut :

ingatlah wahai teman.
mereka sebahagian daripada kita.
kita harapan meraka. selamatkan lah mereka.