Sunday, August 23, 2009

when we found our weakness

the word of the day's.
i dnt knw wht to say.

i cnt make myfriends feel happy.
i cnt drive myfather's car to JB.
i cnt be a cranky and.
i cnt walk to BB

no one tell me why.
till i realize tht i lose smthing.
smthing tht was important enough for me.

i'll kill to get it bck.
i'll rob to get it bck.
i'll do anythng to get it bck.

u knw.
i can do it.
no one can stop me.

i'll do it.
i'll do it till my last breath.
till the day's i leave this world.
because it's mine and.
my only.

-hope dnt lie dnt leave-

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